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We've just lost another........Vale Tangles
Alice and I were quite upset when we heard Brian had passed, but stayed up late drinking wine, knowing that Brian would have approved.

We always looked forward to catching up with Brian at Kombi Club Bus Stops. We spent many hours over Easters drinking red wine and talking crap. We always looked forward to seeing him, glass in hand, grin on his face and a smart comment in his mouth.

He was always generous enough to visit us when he was in Melbourne and we always made sure we had several good wine bottles to hand, and a good nearby wine bar to visit.
He was even kind enough to mind our somewhat excitable cattle dog for a month in our house when we departed on holiday to Thailand. No doubt his distinctive kombi out front attracted attention from the neighbours! We brought back a custom-made Kras apron for him, which I am not sure he really wanted to wear.
We had our last drinks together in 2019 when he last visited us, during which he excitedly bought a new guitar which we were fortunate enough to hear him play.
Alice and I were devastated when we heard the bad news last year, but were always hopeful he would recover and regale us again with stories of his kombi trips and vineyards. We can't believe that we will never have a glass of good red wine with Brian again.

Vale Brian! You were a wonderful guy, a gentleman and a scholar, and will be very much missed.
... Woz

I am that guy with three kombi-shaped statues on the front lawn.

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RE: We've just lost another........Vale Tangles - by Van Housing - 08-02-2023, 12:40 AM

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