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Door window... open, stuck in a complicated way.
I've already taken off the door cards etc and what it reveals is that the glass is wedged in tight at the bottom, and the lifter channel is wedged right at the top (partially protruding up to where the window ought to be). The lifter channel isn't broken (it's only a year old), but the bracket of the winding mechanism is attached, complete with protruding (and currently inaccessible) bolts so that it can't come up through the top.

So something is broken, but it's not the fixing bit that's worrying me - it's getting the channel out.

Unless anyone has some clever ideas, my only option is brute force to force the lifter and whatever is attached downwards. I'm concerned I'll break the glass, but it got into that position so it might be possible to force it back down without further damage with the aid of some WD40. Or it might not...
Matt and his 1974 camper, plus co-pilots Stef and Muppet

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RE: Door window... open, stuck in a complicated way. - by drowningbitbybit - 08-03-2023, 06:55 PM

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